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《Design Systems》系列翻译 09 感知模式 part 2

举报wvi987wvi987发布于 2018-09-122705阅读3点赞1评论
情绪板是一个非常适合用于探索不同的视觉主题但工具。它们可以通过数字方式创建(Pinterest 7是一款非常适合创建数字化情绪板的工具),或者从纸质杂志以及其他印刷材料的裁剪出来的部分汇集到一块大板上。...

Mood Boards


Mood boards are a great tool for exploring different visual themes. They can be created digitally (Pinterest7 is a popular tool for creating digital mood boards) or assembled physically on a large board, using cut outs from magazines and other printed material.
情绪板是一个非常适合用于探索不同的视觉主题但工具。它们可以通过数字方式创建(Pinterest 7是一款非常适合创建数字化情绪板的工具),或者从纸质杂志以及其他印刷材料的裁剪出来的部分汇集到一块大板上。

Some people use mood boards to research current trends or gather ideas, while others generate them to work out what their brand might feel like. Mood boards can be broad, or they can focus on exploring specific parts of the brand, like color or typography.

An example of a mood board that explores color and gradients.


Style Tiles


Once a general brand direction is defined, style tiles can be useful for exploring several variations in more detail. The concept of style tiles was introduced by Samantha Warren8, who describes them as “a design deliverable consisting of fonts, colors and interface elements that communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web.”9


The Washington Examiner 2012 Campaign Site.


Like mood boards, style tiles can provide valuable discussion points with users and stakeholders, and gauge their initial reactions towards specific design directions. Comparing and contrasting style tiles against each other can help you make a choice of one direction over the other.


Element Collages


Riffing on style tiles, Dan Mall10 suggested the idea of an element collage: an assembly of interface pieces that explore how branding works in the interface. As a design deliverable, they can feel more concrete and tangible than style tiles; yet element collages don’t come with quite as many expectations as complete visual mock-ups. Element collages explore not only a general brand direction but how brand is expressed through the interface.

为了能够快速浏览风格瓷片,DanMall 10提出了元素拼贴画的概念:用于探索品牌在界面中是如何工作的界面元素的集合。作为一个可实操的设计方法,相对于风格瓷片而言他们可以感觉到更具体和有形;当然了,相对于高保真的可交互原型来说,元素拼贴画在体验上还是有差距的。元素拼贴画不仅探索通常所指的品牌方向,更用来探索如何通过界面表达品牌。

Element collage for RIF.

The differences between these techniques aren’t always obvious, and people use them interchangeably. For me, the distinction lies in their relative fidelity. Mood boards are looser and more open; they combine existing materials from various sources to create a certain visual feel. Style tiles and element collages are more focused on a specific product and the practical application of patterns in the interface. Element collages provide the highest level of fidelity and can be used as a starting point to transition into full comps.


Iteration And Refinement

The process of evolving the styles continues when they’re integrated into the product. Trying out the brand in a more realistic setting of the interface, with modules and interactions, often results in refinement of both perceptual and functional patterns. This is typically an iterative process, where the patterns influence one another, until a design language starts taking shape.

Let’s take a look at how FutureLearn’s styles were developed. The image below shows the initial explorations by Wolff Olins11 for the FutureLearn brand. While they capture some of the personality FutureLearn was trying to project (minimal, bold, bright, positive, celebratory), there’s a difference between the initial direction and how it evolved over time.


Initial brand explorations for FutureLearn.


Here is how the core perceptual patterns looked a few months later, after the visuals were passed on to the internal design team at FutureLearn:

Element collage for FutureLearn.


By applying them to the actual context they were going to live in, the patterns had to become more grounded, more specific and more practical. Here’s how FutureLearn’s iconography evolved from initial concepts to the designs you can see on the site today:


Initial icon designs by Wolff Olins (left) and how they were evolved by FutureLearn’s design team (right). The gaps in the icons signify that a learning process is never complete.


In the conceptual phase of brand development, it was important to go broad and big, and not worry about every detail. But when we started applying the concepts, they had to be refined, so they felt appropriate for the new environment they occupied. The focus shifted from an open exploration to refinement and consistency.


At this stage the challenge is to continue evolving the brand, while keeping the patterns consistent. As Lucy Blackwell, creative director at FutureLearn noted: “When you’re fully focused on consistency, some of the important subtleties of what makes a product feel a certain way can be lost.”

在这个阶段的挑战是继续发展品牌,同时保持模式的一致性。正如FutureLearn的创意总监露西·布莱克韦尔(Lucy Blackwell)所言:“当你全神贯注于一致性时,能够丢失掉能够传达出产品特性的关键细节。”

Balancing Brand with Consistency

Just as introducing too many exceptions can weaken a brand, too much focus on consistency can also stifle it. Paradoxically, making design perfectly consistent doesn’t guarantee it’s going to be “on brand.” Sometimes it can have the opposite effect — there’s a fine line between consistency and uniformity.

就像引入太多的例外情况会削弱一个品牌一样,过分关注一致性也会扼杀品牌。矛盾的是,使设计完全一致并不能保证它将是成为“品牌”。有时它会产生相反的效果 -- 统一和一致性之间有着一个平衡点。

With seven designers working in several streams, at FutureLearn we had to set up processes that allowed us to focus on reusability and utility. But in some areas of the site we found ourselves following them too closely, sometimes at the cost of weakening the brand. Here’s how the courses page has changed over time:


FutureLearn courses page in 2015 and late 2016.


It made sense to make the design more practical, clean and organized. It was also a positive change for SEO and metrics, and was more consistent with other pages on the site. But at the same time we felt that in the process some of the visual distinctiveness present at the beginning was lost. While we accepted this change in some areas of the site, in others — particularly in branded marketing campaigns — we started experimenting more, in the attempt to make a stronger brand statement.

If a design system only prioritizes perfect consistency, it can become generic and rigid. Evolving perceptual patterns requires room outside of the boundaries of the system, and designers should be actively encouraged to explore. A good design system strikes a balance between consistency and creative expression of the brand.


A Note on Signature Moments

Perceptual patterns can be concentrated in the smallest details. In his book Microinteractions12, Dan Saffer coined the term “signature moments” — small interactions that become product differentiators, such as “an elegant ‘loading’ animation or a catchy sound (‘You’ve got mail!’).” Signature moments are especially powerful when they have meaning or a story behind them. For example, the subtle ripple effect on TED’s play button was inspired by the iconic drop animation of their videos’ intros.

感知模式可以体现在最小的细节上。丹·萨弗(Dan Saffer)在他的书“微互动”(MicroInteraction 12)中创造了“经典时刻”这个词—微互动有助于产品的差异化,比如“优雅的‘加载’动画或吸引人的声音(‘你收到了邮件!’)”。当“签名时刻”背后有特别的意义或故事时,它就显得特别有力量。例如,TED的Play按钮的微妙的涟漪效应的灵感来自于他们的视频介绍中标志性的跌落动效。

TED’s drop animation of their videos’ intros mirrored in the ripple effect on the video play button.


In digital products, signature moments are not always seen as a requirement, and some teams struggle to prioritize them.13 But it’s the small details that can add an additional layer of depth and meaning to the experience. In our efforts to systemize and structure design it’s important to be conscious of the details that make something feel distinct. In a design system, there always needs to be space to nurture and evolve those moments.

Small-Scale Experiments


How can we make a space for creative explorations? And how do we then fold the new styles into the system? At FutureLearn, we found that it was most effective to experiment on a small scale first. If some of the elements worked well, we’d gradually integrate them into other parts of the interface.

For example, we felt that the purely functional toggle button lacked the feel of celebration and accomplishment when learners completed a step. It was replaced with a circular style, a bouncy animation and a tick icon popping up.

Original progress button (left) and redesigned button (right) on FutureLearn.

While the new button received positive feedback from our learners, it didn’t feel like part of the system until we started echoing the circular pattern, the bouncy animation and the ticks in other areas of the site. Without these additions, the element felt disconnected.

On occasion we tried out new patterns on promotional areas, such as the home page or a campaign site. FutureLearn’s brand used to employ primarily square shapes. During a home page redesign, we introduced a triangle pattern. It was strengthened when other designers started applying it in other areas, such as image styles and certificate designs.

Initial experiments with triangles on the home page started off quite flat (left), but were given a new twist by other designers who took the pattern and applied it to their projects.
在最初尝试将三角形图案运用到首页上时,最初的效果是相当扁平化的 (左),但其他设计师将此模式应用到他们的项目中带来了新的转折

While experimenting with the triangle patterns, we were aware that they were outside of FutureLearn’s typical square aesthetic, but wanted to give them a try to see what would happen. We learned later that while triangles worked with the brand, they had to be used sparingly and only as a visual enhancement in the discovery and marketing areas of the site, not on the in-course learning experience pages.

When exploring new styles, try them out on a small area of the site. Be aware of what you’re doing differently, the patterns that are outside of the system, and the reasons for trying them. If they work, gradually fold them into the system by applying them in other areas of the site. Be conscious of the role they play. For FutureLearn, triangles are used to create a dynamic effect; circles are used as a positive reassurance of progress, typically in combination with a tick.

Balancing Brand with Business Requirements

Because perceptual patterns are sometimes seen merely as styling or decoration, changing them can be less contentious than, say, updating the flow of an interaction. As a result, ad hoc business requirements can lead to introducing of elements that don't sit comfortably with the brand. For example, we wanted to let our learners know when new courses were starting, so we added yellow banners to the course images.

“Just started” banner on FutureLearn for highlighting recently started courses.


Even though the banner wasn’t perfectly on brand, it wasn’t a problem since only a few courses were running at the time. What we didn’t realize was how many more courses would start within a few months. When it happened, the balance of the course module shifted from feeling like a highlight, to appearing a bit garish and sales-oriented, which is a feeling we try to avoid in the FutureLearn brand. Again, because this was seen as part of styling, it was hard to prioritize and took a long time to address.

No matter how much we guard the brand, these things will happen — new requirements demand custom patterns and one-off tweaks. If we’re not conscious of them, such exceptions can dilute or weaken the brand.

Signature Patterns: A Team Exercise


Sometimes even a small change can alter perception. At FutureLearn, we once almost replaced the square shapes in the course progress module with circles, before we noticed that doing so would completely change the feel of the interface. To control how something feels, you need to understand the exact patterns that influence it.


In your team, try running a quick exercise. Ask each person to write down the most distinct perceptual patterns for your product. Encourage people to look beyond the building blocks such as color palette and typeface, and instead think of high-level principles, combinations and treatments that are specific to your brand. Think not only about the elements, but the meaning behind them — the images they portray and the stories they tell. In FutureLearn’s interface, some of those patterns are:


•Positive and encouraging tone of voice

•Primarily white color palette with pink accents

•Generous white space

•Generally large type size with a focus on readability

•High-contrast typography with proportionally large headings

•Vibrant pink to blue gradient

•Pink to blue subtle hover interactions

•1px light-gray strokes

•1px square icons with a “break”

•Mostly square and occasionally circular shapes, triangles in promotional areas

Similarly to the exercise with finding shared themes in you design principles described in the second chapter, comparing your team’s thoughts can surface different ways in which you perceive your brand. The qualities might be vague and indistinct at first but they’re a great basis for discussions. Reaching a shared understanding of the most distinct perceptual patterns is a useful starting point for your future work on systemizing them.14


Patterns and principles are an important part of a design system. But, of course, if you work in a team, they’re not enough. A selection of words and rules doesn’t make a language. It only starts becoming a language when you attribute meaning to those words and other people start sharing this meaning.



1.This way of thinking can make visiting places a whole different experience. Be it a coffee shop, a new city, or a picnic spot, I like to think about how a place feels and then try to determine some of the patterns that combine to create that atmosphere.

2.It's Ulysses, in case you wanted to know.
Ulysses APP这款写作工具可以作为你进行产品体验练习的案例(PS.这里已经有一篇可以参考的Ulysses深度体验文献:https://www.softwarehow.com/ulysses-app-review/

3.Spotify’s vision “The right music for every moment” and their design principle “emotive” are inline with the feel created through perceptual patterns.


4.These screenshots were taken in March 2017. Interestingly, a couple of weeks later Vox changed their design to a denser newspaper-like feel, to come across as more “credible and smart”. 

Behind Vox.com’s Homepage Refresh 


6.Designing for Emotion by Aarron Walter (see also “Personality in Design”)







13.For great practical advice on designing microinteractions and integrating them into a product, see Microinteractions: Designing with Details by Dan Saffer.关于设计微交互并将其集成到产品中的重要实用建议,请参见微交互:Dan Saffer的详细设计。

14.In chapter 9 we’ll talk about conducting an interface inventory on perceptual patterns and integrating them into the system.在第9章中,我们将讨论如何对感知模式进行界面清单,并将其集成到系统中。








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